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A Biweekly Conversation.

The Wine Road provides the Wine, When and Where of Northern Sonoma to locals and visitors with tips and news on events, wineries, restaurants, outdoor activities, and places to stay.

Hosts Marcy Gordon and Beth Costa share their insider stories about the places to check out when you're exploring along the Wine Road.

Thank you to County of Sonoma, Board of Supervisors - District 5 for their support.

Aug 20, 2020

Episode 112 | Mary Roy of Capo Creek

Our winemaker chats continue with Mary Roy Owner & Winemaker at Capo Creek Vineyards. We learn how Mary Roy, a doctor and mother of six, came to be a winemaker and the culinary delights (and wine!) that await you when you visit Capo Creek. Pardon the muffled voices-- but we are still...

Aug 5, 2020

Episode 111 | Brad Beard Owner & Winemaker, Mercury Wine

Our winemaker chats continue with Brad Beard Owner & Winemaker at Mercury Wine. We may sound a bit muffled as we are masked up in the studio, but did remove them momentarily to sip some 2016 Element Mourvédre. Listen in and and hear all about what’s happening...